Monday, January 14, 2013

Make Your Own Seed Tape

Pine Tree Seeds sells tape that you use to make your own seed tapes. Just peel back the backing and stick on the seeds.  Seed Tape

Seed tape picture
from Pine Tree Seeds
If you want to go the really cheap route and make your own without buying anything special - here is a link to do that from the Instructables website. Be sure to read the comment section as there are many good hints to increase your success. It might be worth trying with some carrot or raddish seeds.  Make-Your-Own-Seed-Tapes


Items need to make a seed tape using the Instructables tutorial

The Garden Betty Blog had a great blog entry on making seed tapes too. Lots of step by step pictures of how to make the seed tapes, what patterns to use, and then how to plant the seed tape. Garden Betty.make-your-own-seed-tape  A nice rainy day like today would be a good day to make experimental seed tapes to use this spring.

Glue dots to bottom half of toilet paper
One of the seed spacings demonstrated by Garden Betty                       


  1. This has arts & crafts in the garden written all over it. We need another stretch of nice warm days!

  2. Very cool. Great, another project. : )

  3. Next week will be dry and sunny but rather cool but we can do it if you want. I have 4 bottles of Elmer's Glue that I got for another project. And we can use our mini seedmaster tools too!

  4. Since it is cool and we have lots of time, do you want to wait until my seed order comes in from Kitchen Garden Seeds. It's due in the first or second week of February. I ordered quite a few varieties of heat tolerant lettuces. Yummy!

  5. I'll be happy to wait until your seed order comes in. I'll experiment a little here to see how hard it is. The one thing I'm pretty sure of is we'd better not have a windy day...whoosh! Off go the seeds to come up in Kitty and Wesley's beds. I may have an in to do this in a big empty room. We'll see. I'd better go volunteer lots at the library over the next month or so.

  6. They might like it, I ordered some pretty cool stuff, lol!
