Sunday, March 3, 2013
Cold is for the Birds
Cold is for the birds ... and for those who need a challenge. I'm reading Theodore Roosevelt's biography and he loved to stalk wildlife and KILL IT ! Like Teddy, I love to stalk wildlife, too, but only for the thrill of the capture ... on "film" ... with a lens someone gave me a long time ago when I didn't know what the heck it was. It's a mirror lens, not built for a digital camera but it works with a digital camera, nothing automatic about it and it mimics having a long, long, long telephoto lens though that's not what it is. These were my first attempts to use it - couldn't wait for the near-60 deg heat wave we'll have tomorrow, Monday, the 4th. Might set up a chair on the bluebird trail and see what I can "catch". What's the bird in the bottom pic?
A Different Carrot Top Arrangement
So here is the 4th arrangement I've made with Carrot Tops. I'm really going to have to grow tons of carrots this spring and summer just so I can have the green leaves for arrangements. Maybe I'll try very short ones in containers at home even though I don't have enough sun to grow much of anything. After all, I just want the tops, right?