Sunday, December 2, 2012

Team Squirrel!!

 Look at all these great holes...perfectly spaced, perfectly shaped.
 And look at all those toothpicks showing where future holes are
 going in. A perfect bed to plant pecans in!
Hmmmmm.....look at this. These squirrels are just like Denise.
Notice how precisely the nuts have been planted - carefully
 centered in the middle of each beautiful hole.
Ah well...those pecans were very tasty but I'd better plant this one.
Decisions, decisions - which hole, which hole..
Ahhh....I'm trapped! Where did that netting come from!
 It wasn't there a minute ago.
The Great Reveal!
Denise and Rick finally arrive to see the Squirrel Escapade!
BUT WAIT!!! There is MORE!!
What was in that last batch of pecans?  The squirrel is in a very
festive mood and has decided to concede the battle.


  1. I soooo need an electric fence, lol! You guys all made my weekend... This has to go down as one of the best garden pranks ever. In fact, even today, I am still chuckling. Oh, and for the record, you're not getting any nuts back. Uhmmm, what's your bed numbers. Too funny, love you all.


  2. I was laughing all day was too easy to pass up!
    I have my cook books out looking for a recipe for cookies for Saturday (of course it will have pecans!) hope you guys will be there too
