Sunday, December 2, 2012

Warm Weather next 10 days

Hey Everyone,
   We are going to be having exceptionally warm weather for the next 10 days and it is going to be exceptionally dry as well. True, 2 days call for showers (30% and 40%) but you know that doesn't really mean it WILL rain and if it does rain it might not be very much. Therefore, supplemental watering will be necessary.

  If you water deeply and thoroughly every couple of days when you water you don't have to go quite as frequently. It is also better for the plants to really water good.   I'm going to be going down to the garden to water every 2 days so the plants aren't as stressed and susceptible to bug attack.

  Speaking of bugs, watch your veggies, especially the undersides of leaves because this warm weather will also cause lots of bugs to hatch out and go for the yummy greens. There are some weird looking critters on the plants right now but they are good critters. Lady bug beetles have funny looking larva but don't kill them because if you do you have destroyed a very beneficial aphid predator.

Here is a link to lady bugs if you want more information about them:  Lady Bugs - adults and larva pictures

Jane has a nice lady bug larva on her brussel sprouts

  Also, anyone with carrots or parsley needs to be on the watch for swallowtail caterpillars. That cold weather we had did NOT kill them off.  Susan (Bed 18) and I (Bed 41) have been removing caterpillars this past week. Instead of smashing them, just put them in the bluebird feeder by the birdbath to feed the bluebirds.

This one has grown quite a bit. When they are small they are mostly black, without
 the yellow and white spouts you see on this one.

  Enjoy the beautiful weather!


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