Thursday, January 24, 2013

Saturday Weeding Party & Door Prizes

Hey Everyone,
 Don't forget that we are having the Saturday version of the Weeding Party/Workday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Saturday the 26th.

   The main tasks for the Saturday Weeding Party:
  •  weeding the two big main paths
  •  weeding where the Sunflower/Good Predator Borders are going to go in
  •  finish pruning/cutting back the pollinator beds
Be sure and bring your favorite weeding tools and possibly something to kneel or sit on, as the ground is going to be soggy after the rains on Friday. Rain makes it easier to weed but unfortunately much wetter and messier.

I've also been informed that there will be DOOR PRIZES for Saturday as well!

     See you there if you can make it.



  1. Put me down for Saturday, glad to help!

    1. I plan to bethere. Will bring holly hock and swamp hibiscus seeds if you want to use them.
