Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bad Grub Kit

No...we aren't giving out bad grubs. Instead I'll show you my favorite Catch A Bad Grub/Bug method.

What you Need:
1 pair of hands
1 or 2 newspaper bags (or gloves if they are handy)
1 plastic container with a lid
Some bad critters

Put the newspaper bag on one or both of your hands
if you can't stand to touch the bad critters.

Reach for the critter you don't like

Put the bad critter in the container that has a lid

Put a lid on the container so the critter doesn't
escape when you aren't looking

Take the critters home and freeze them to kill them. Or put them in a blue bird feeder so the birds will eat them. I personally like the bluebird feeder by the birdbath because more birds go to it and the bugs get eaten faster.
Just keep an empty container stuffed with several empty newspaper bags in your "go the garden" work bag and you'll never find you don't have something to pick the bad critters up with. Or worse yet, let them escape you after you picked them up.


  1. What is the striped caterpillar? Looks suspiciously like a butterfly caterpillar...

  2. Too bad we can't eat them as those to a bird would be pretty tasty. What are those ones?

  3. They are called Plastica caterpillaraie. Grin.... I have a wide variety of plastic critters that I used to use in various programs.

  4. You have plastic caterpillars, I am laughing so hard at this one......You take gardening to a whole new level my friend!
