Some of you may be looking for seed potatoes since it is almost time to get your potatoes planted out. Denise talked to Leslie at Pike's Tuesday and they are about to order their potato sets. But if you want them right this very minute - go to Elrod's!
Mike sent me an email (with a picture) telling me that Elrod's
already has their potato sets in the store.
Buy them while they have them!
Was at Pike's today and their order came in. I believe everything is $5.99 - $6.99 per pack. Potatoes are 5 in a pack which can easily be split to make 10. (Mike, correct me on this if I am wrong on splitting them) Everything is fresh off the truck! I also spoke to the manager and they will be ordering all the fresh herbs in the next week or so. Also, spotted onion plants at Lowe's on 41. Didn't get a price to post on those due to rain. Was afraid of melting, lol!