Monday, February 11, 2013

More Foggy AM Pix - This time I got what I went to shoot

Above the terraces and beyond the garden there's a beautifully formed tree.  Which it is I won't know for sure until I see the leaves so if you know, don't tell me yet.  But it's nearly perfectly formed due to lack of competition from other trees and its longevity.  The photos were taken as the fog on Feb 6th was beginning to thin.  Same tree, slightly different angle.  I got so excited when I saw the contrail in the photo to the right that I would've lost the shot due to shaky hands but I'm thankful for my tripod and remote shutter release! 
The two photos were taken 15 minutes apart - that was my window of opportunity.  The image below was taken at 10:00 AM and the one to the left at 10:15!  Before 10:00, the fog was pea soup - too, too thick for my taste.


  1. Rita....Great photo of the beautiful tree of life. It is the one Mike and I plan to clear out the brush from underneath, so we can set and have lunch when we are working at the garden. Right behind Bluebird Nest Box number 3, great shot!

  2. Indeed...that is a great photo. You can hardly go wrong with that tree since it is such a beautiful tree.
