Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lovely mulch! Wonderful Mulch!

We have two huge piles of mulch to be spread in the garden. Thursday morning Wesley from RPM Tree Care brought us a HUGE truck load of chips. He was nice enough to dump them in two places so we don't have to move quite as much of it a long distance.

So...the bad part is that now that we have mulch, we need to spread the mulch. Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm we'll work on spreading the mulch. It will be hot but we won't be working in the full sun, only in the shaded areas.

The rule of thumb for spreading the mulch is if you see bare dirt, that area needs a layer of mulch that is 1.5 to 2 inches deep. If it already has some mulch a layer that adds an additional 1 inch will be sufficient. I know, picky picky....but if we put that mulch on thick enough we'll keep the weeds beat back and we won't have to go through what we did earlier this year!

The huge pile in front of the shed needs to be spread into the center aisle and under the pecan tree. Yes, we did just put some mulch under the pecan tree but it was more leaves than chips and won't last long. Another additional inch will help keep the weeds at bay.

The 2nd pile needs to be spread over all the big community paths. The section that goes from the center of the intersection to the gate has had mulch put on it before but needs another inch on top since that section gets so many people walking on it. The other two sections have lots of bare dirt so we need a good 2 inches spread on those sections.

To make moving the mulch easier we've bought another pitchfork and 2 more garden rakes to help spread the mulch. 

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