I had an occasion yesterday to take a few pictures of the garden. Several turned out worthy of saving. When I printed one of them out and placed it in a folder that I keep, I couldn't help but notice that it was a similar shot to one I took just one year ago. I thought some of you might want to see the comparison of what our garden looked like just one year ago in June of 2012 and what it looks like now. Amazing.
Green Meadows CG June 27, 2013 |
This second photo was taken early in the morning so I didn't have the advantage of the morning sunlight that is lighting up the first photo. In the first photo the first section of 24 beds had just been finished at the end of April and most of the raised beds were planted in May so the vegetables were just starting to gain some size. This year our beds were planted in March and early April.
What a difference a year can make!