Friday, November 15, 2013

Critter Damage

If you are growing broccoli or cauliflower and see anything like this:

Jim's broccoli this year

You have fallen victim to our fall rodent residents. Last year they only ate cauliflower so Jim and Mike decided to just plant broccoli this year. Well, the little critters have decided they like broccoli just as much as they liked the cauliflower and have now eaten most of Jim's, much of Mike's and started on Amy's as well.

Jim's cauliflower last year

Thursday morning we caught one of the critters that has been eating the broccoli. Now to identify him properly.... I know he has a very long tail with little hairs on it and it the tail was at least as long as the body.  His body is much bigger than little mice that I have encountered previously. I can make a guess as to what I think it is but I don't know enough to say definitely.

1 comment:

  1. I have properly identified him as disgusting! Thank goodness we caught him.
