Monday, January 27, 2014

Arbor Day Event at Trees Atlanta

The Master Gardeners have been asked to pass along this information about the first Trees Atlanta Arbor Day Event.  Trees Atlanta with the generous support of the City of Atlanta and Atlanta’s Tree Conservation Commission, announces the first Trees Atlanta Georgia Arbor Day Speaker Event with nationally recognized author, Jim Robbins. 

Please read the informative flyer above about the Thursday, February 20th speaker Jim Robbins, author of The Man Who Planted Trees and science writer for The New York Times. This first speaker of 2014 will present an inspirational presentation entitled ‘The Power of Trees And How It Can Help Save the World’.  For more details about Jim’s talk and to register access this link:

A brief description from Jim about his talk:
“The things we do know about trees, and the many things we don't -- from their ability to clean up toxic waste to the ways scientists say they connect to the cosmos. Trees heal people, are critical to insects and wildlife as medicine, and, some scientists believe, even have a nervous system that allows them to think, strategize and communicate. Most importantly he explains why trees should be seen as an "ecotechnology" to accomplish a wide range of important functions to heal broken ecosystems and adapt a changing planet.”

Trees Atlanta is thrilled to be hosting Jim Robbins and hopes that you will reserve space to attend the event.  If there is interest in attending, send emails to Green Meadows and we can form a car pool as parking is somewhat limited in the parking lot but street parking is available.

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