I was checking out some of Larry Hall's gardening videos last evening on You Tube and this is one of the best planting ideas to try. Some of the free onion sets in the shed would work wonderfully for this application. The smallest size would be perfect!
Has anyone done this before that he or she could post their results or share any tips?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8E8V7mgk4w - Link to Larry's video on growing green onions year round from a single purchase.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AokYz6MLihc - Link to a video on Larry's progress and how well it worked.
I plan to try this in bed 25 experimenting with the white, yellow, and red onion sets. It will be interesting to see if any one variety works better over another. I do hope you will stop by and check out the progress!
Happy Gardening,
Denise, Beds 25 & 29