Lunch & Learn 2014
A MGVOCC Educational Program
to the PUBLIC
Bring your lunch & enjoy an hour-long presentation
on a plant/garden-related subject.
Noon to 1:00 PM
County Water Lab 660 S. Cobb Drive & Atlanta Road.
and directions at:
August 8,2014: "Weed ID for Weed Control" Presented by Cornelius Tarver, Urban
Agriculture and National Resources Agent
of fighting weeds? The challenge we face
is all of them cannot be controlled the same way. Neil will help us identify weeds in order to
select the most effective method to control them.
Sept.12,2014: "The Joy of Bluebirds" All
about Bluebirds and More Presented by James
presentation includes the life of the Eastern Bluebird, including a Bluebird
Trail and Nest Box Management; other birds that nest in cavities of bluebird
boxes, and more!
October 10, 2014: "Landscaping
and Septic Tanks: What Homeowners Need to Know" Presented by Cornelius Tarver
Discussion of septic tank maintenance and
it's relation to your landscape.

November 14, 2014: "Bonsai" Presented by Michael Stoddard, Board of Directors, Atlanta Bonsai Society
an ancient art which originated in China and developed in Japan, means "to
plant in a shallow dish". Mike, a
long-time student of this art, will bring his
bonsai to show us how to plant, prune and care for our own.
Cobb County Cooperative Extension
678 South Cobb Drive, Suite
20, Marietta, GA 30060-3105 Phone: