Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2014

Sandhill Crane Migration -one of my favorite times of year

One of the joys about writing for the blog is I can write about whatever I want to - well within reason! However, one of the drawbacks, is that I hate having to save a fascinating (to me) fact until the appropriate time.

Today, the time has come for me to share a saved tidbit - because, finally the Sandhill Cranes began flowing like a rapidly running river through West Cobb County.

I saw and heard the first huge mass of sandhill cranes around 1:15 while I was at the garden talking to BJ. - thanks BJ for sharing that joyous moment with me. The next big mass I saw in the sky was when I came out of Kroger on Dallas Hwy around 1:45. There were hundreds circling and calling in the sky with more headed towards them. Usually I avoid going out the entrance facing the Avenues of West Cobb because traffic is such a PITA.

But today I said to myself, nope, I'll just go out that entrance because I can watch the sandhill cranes when I get stopped at the traffic light at Due West and Dallas Highway. Lucky me..another huge kettle of sandhill cranes was forming up over the Bank of America building just as I arrived and I got to sit through the entire light. YES! the entire light!!

Once I got home I watched thousands of them sail over head for several more hours -  all headed south at a rapid clip. I'm thinking they finally the message after this last cold spell that it really was time to head to Florida for the winter. There is a huge gathering spot in Tennessee called the Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge in Birchwood Tennessee that sees large flocks of sandhill cranes in the fall and winter, 30 to 40,000 sometimes.

Here is my saved up factoid about sandhill cranes which I read in the Atlanta Audubon Newsletter.    

      "Their coiled tracheas enhance their calls, sending the notes out long before the birds are seen, causing us to look up in expectation."

I had never really thought about how they produce the sound, I just love listening to it.  Interestingly enough, in March of this year one of the posts I wrote included a section on  Sandhill Cranes. There just so happens to be a link it in if you want to listen to a sandhill crane calling.  (This link is to the article itself -

Now that the cranes are really here, I think I'll be going on a wild goose (i.e. crane) chase up to Field's Landing in Cherokee County to see if I can see them up close and personal. Fields Landing is only 45 minutes from here. Last year several of my community garden friends (Rita and Elise) and I went up there to see if  we could see any. Nope...we were too late and they had all gone north so it really was a wild goose/crane trip.

Be sure and keep your ears open and your eyes flicking upwards towards the sky listening and watching for sandhill cranes since they are finally on the move again. And now I've gone full circle with this topic and connected Sandhill Cranes to the Garden as well as reported on them migrating south to GABO (Georgia Birders Online.)

Bed 41

Monday, January 27, 2014

Arbor Day Event at Trees Atlanta

The Master Gardeners have been asked to pass along this information about the first Trees Atlanta Arbor Day Event.  Trees Atlanta with the generous support of the City of Atlanta and Atlanta’s Tree Conservation Commission, announces the first Trees Atlanta Georgia Arbor Day Speaker Event with nationally recognized author, Jim Robbins. 

Please read the informative flyer above about the Thursday, February 20th speaker Jim Robbins, author of The Man Who Planted Trees and science writer for The New York Times. This first speaker of 2014 will present an inspirational presentation entitled ‘The Power of Trees And How It Can Help Save the World’.  For more details about Jim’s talk and to register access this link:

A brief description from Jim about his talk:
“The things we do know about trees, and the many things we don't -- from their ability to clean up toxic waste to the ways scientists say they connect to the cosmos. Trees heal people, are critical to insects and wildlife as medicine, and, some scientists believe, even have a nervous system that allows them to think, strategize and communicate. Most importantly he explains why trees should be seen as an "ecotechnology" to accomplish a wide range of important functions to heal broken ecosystems and adapt a changing planet.”

Trees Atlanta is thrilled to be hosting Jim Robbins and hopes that you will reserve space to attend the event.  If there is interest in attending, send emails to Green Meadows and we can form a car pool as parking is somewhat limited in the parking lot but street parking is available.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Medication Disposal Day - Saturday October 26

picture from the CobbLine Newsletter
If you don't subscribe to CobbLine, the weekly eNewsletter that is sent out, you miss out on hearing about important community efforts. This weekend  on Saturday ONLY between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm they are having a Medication Disposal Day.

Everyone needs to weed out and purge medications from time to time - over the counter and prescription as well as vitamins. But how do you properly dispose of them? Tossing them in the trash is unsafe. Flushing them down the toilet is also unsafe and bad for the environment when it gets into the rivers and water table.

The best way to dispose of unwanted medications is take them to one of Cobb County's Medication Disposal Day's. You just drive up and hand it over. You don't even have to get out of the vehicle. The first time I went, I took stuff from my house, my mom's and my sister's.

If you have time this Saturday I hope you take advantage of this opportunity to purge your medicine cabinet in a safe way. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Medication Disposal Day

picture from the CobbLine Newsletter
If you don't subscribe to CobbLine, the weekly eNewsletter that is sent out, you miss out on hearing about important community efforts. This weekend - Saturday only between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm they are having a Medication Disposal Day.

Everyone needs to weed out and purge medications - over the counter and prescription as well as vitamins.  But how do you properly dispose of them. Tossing them in the trash is unsafe. Flushing them down the toilet is also unsafe and bad for the environment when it gets into the rivers and water table.

The best way to dispose of unwanted medications is take them to one of Cobb County's Medication Disposal Day's. You just drive up and hand it over. You don't even have to get out of the vehicle. The first time I went I took stuff from my house, my mom's and my sister's.

If you have time this Saturday I hope you take advantage of this opportunity to purge your medicine cabinet in a safe way. Mother Earth will appreciate it.