Friday, June 26, 2015

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

The past few weeks have been extremely hot and unfortunately, we still have quite a few more months to go before temperatures are reliably cooler. BJ sent me this great graphic illustration which lists the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Be sure to study the graphic.  To help prevent heat exhaustion (which can frequently lead to heat stroke) remember to drink LOTS of water and take rest breaks in the shade.  Wear a hat or use an umbrella to create a large circle of shade for your body if you have to go to the garden in the middle of the day. (If you have to be outside for a long time - use a beach umbrella stuck in the ground.)

Personally, I try to stay out of the full sun as much as possible because I know it wipes me out.  I've luckily never had heat stroke but I have suffered heat exhaustion before. The worst part is that I couldn't tolerate any heat for the rest of that year.
