Friday, November 30, 2012

Black Aphid Infestations

Hey Everyone,

I was at the garden today to remove my frost cover for the wave of warmer weather that is upon us and noticed small black bugs all over it, barely noticeable to the eye.  I didn’t think much of it until I removed my blanket and saw a tremendous amount of damage to my peas in just two days.  The plants were amazingly beautiful and vigorous when I viewed and watered them on Wednesday.

Vicki was kind enough to help me check my plants and many others.  While we didn’t see much with the naked eye, I happened to get out my trusty magnifying glass (I know, funny) and wow these little black bugs are everywhere.  We spot-checked several beds throughout the garden and all are heavily infested.  Vicki was kind enough to phone Amy at the extension office and with her help assisting us in what to look for and tracking different stages of development; it looks like a heavy infestation of black aphids.  Per Amy’s instructions, a simple insecticidal soap will rectify the problem.   

I thought it might be nice to give everyone a heads up.  Enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend.

Denise, Beds 25 & 29