Wrens are famous for going where you do NOT want them. |
The first thing to do is Don't Panic!! The poor bird just wants OUT but has become confused and can't find its way out.
I've dealt with birds in all these situations and the solution is the same every time. It isn't always a quick process but it always works.
Provide an opening for the bird to fly out and herd it there. Birds (as well as all wild animals) have a fear circle. You want to get on the other side of the bird's fear circle and to make it fly away from you. No need to actually swat with a broom. If you do need to use a broom to get the bird to fly down, just put it behind the bird and make a gentle motion.
If the bird is in the shed or a garage:
1) Turn the lights out
2) Open the door as wide as possible
3) Get on the other side of the bird and
ZOOM! it will fly out the opening with light
If the bird is on a screened porch or inside the netting over your blueberries:
1) Open the door on the porch wide. Or create an opening in the netting over the blueberries.
2) Get on the other side of the bird.
3) Encourage the bird to go out.
ZOOM! it will fly out the opening
Now I will admit it is much trickier getting a bird out of the blueberry enclosure than it is getting it out of the porch, shed or garage but it can be done with no harm caused to the bird besides panic because it was trapped.
Good luck if you find yourself in this situation!
Vicki - Bed 41