Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Great Backyard Bird Count

One of my favorite Citizen Science events is about to occur - the Great Backyard Bird Count !

What is a Citizen Science project you ask?
       It is any project where ordinary people go out and collect data and submit it to the requesting group. This data is used to detect trends and developments. Some projects require you to go through a training class - like if you are a stream monitor. Jim will be doing citizen science when he records and reports on the success of the birds that move into the nest boxes on the Bluebird Trail.

This year the Great Backyard Bird Count is Feb 15-18, 2013. I'm going to try it at the Community Garden as well as at my house.
If you are interested, join me at the garden on 
 Saturday, Feb 16 between 2:00 and 4:00 and we'll look for birds.
Bring binoculars if you have any.

Below are pictures of some of the birds that have been heard or seen in and around the garden. We'll just see how cooperative they are when we go looking for them!

To the left, pine siskins on the tube feeder. Above, a red-bellied woodpecker. Below the pine siskins, a tufted titmouse.

A male cardinal (to the left) is bright red all over. While a female cardinal (above) is buffy brown with red highlights. She isn't bright like the male because she needs to be hidden while sitting on the nest. Below is a morning dove.


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