Monday, November 26, 2012

Garden Mysteries

The Garden was full of mysteries today!
Mystery # 1
Our new Garden Member
We (Dalita, Denise, Katrina and I) met the new Community Garden Member today. We don't know his/her name yet but we are sure we'll enjoy seeing him in passing. I'm not sure I want to be seen talking to him/her as I might get more odd looks than I already do.
Mystery # 2
The dark brown spots on the lettuce leaves is the frost damage

Today I could see the frost damage on Jane's Black Seeded Simpson lettuce. Boo hiss. But it was amazing how much of the lettuce didn't appear to have any frost damage on it. The temperature was the same for the entire bed but there must be little micro-climates all over that bed that protected so much of the lettuce. I don't know if it was the leaves of the artichoke hanging over the lettuce, the angle of the morning sun or what. The mysteries of gardening.

Mystery # 3
Here is the last garden Mystery of the day - How many of you know what is going on in this picture?
Good luck figuring it out!

1 comment:

Pack-rat said...

Michael had a little lamb,
its fleece was white as cauliflower.

And in just one short day's time,
it was amazing what he could devour.

Okay it could be a story Mike!